يقيم اليوتيوبر SattelizerGames المهتم بالجيمينجه مسابقه جديده لمتابعيه عشاق الجيمينج حيث سيحصل فائز محظوظ على فرصه الاختيار بين ثلاثه من اقوى واسرع اجهزة الجيمينج في العالم وهم بلايستيشن 4 و اكس بوكس ون اكس و نينتيندو سويتشز
Nintendo Switch Spirit of the North
شروط المسابقه :
ليصلك كل جديد قم بمتابعه موقع GiveawayShade
على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
Facebook @GiveawayShade
Twitter @GiveawayShade
Instagram @GiveawayShade
Telegram Channel @GiveawayShade
Tumblr @GiveawauShade
Pinterest @GiveawayShade
Reddit @GiveawayShade
قم بالدخول الى صفحة المسابقه عن طريق هذا الرابط:
قم بالدخول الى صفحة المسابقه عن طريق هذا الرابط:
🎁 XBOX ONE x/PS4 PRO/Nintendo Switch GIVEAWAY!🎁 |
تفاصيل المسابقه:
تنتهي المسابقه خلال :
🌎 جميع الدول ( انتيرناشيونال ) 🌍
قيمة الجائزه :
💲 $500 دولار 💲
💲 $500 دولار 💲
سيتم التواصل مع الرابح عن طريق الايميل الذي قام بالتسجيل فيه في صفحة المسابقه او عن طريق حسابات التواصل الاجتماعي
مسابقات مشابهة:
English Version Of This Giveaway
The winner of this international giveaway will receive an XBOX One X/PS4 PRO/Nintendo Switch (WINNERS CHOICE) , compliments of Sattelizer and his community (www.twitch.tv/sattelizer).
The entry system is dynamic and fits to what you are comfortable with. You may put in multiple entries based on how much more of Sattelizer's social media you are willing to expose yourself to.
By doing this, you also help him grow his stream and social media presence while getting a chance at a sweet gift. Thank you and good luck!
Remember, do NOT try to cheat the system.
Multiple emails, follow/unfollows, and general tom-foolery will not only be found (cause the system has a very specific anti-cheating program) but it will also automatically disqualify THAT specific entry from further use. I.E. if you go and just click follow on my Twitch page and then immediately unfollow just to satisfy the system, it will NOT work (as soon as you refollow it will count again). Instead, only associate yourselves with what you want to! That is one of the best parts of the system is you don't have to involve yourself with anything of my social media or links unless you want to. =D
Follow GiveawayShade be notified when a new giveaway is live !!
Facebook @GiveawayShade
Twitter @GiveawayShade
Instagram @GiveawayShade
Telegram Channel @GiveawayShade
Tumblr @GiveawauShade
Pinterest @GiveawayShade
Reddit @GiveawayShade
STEP 1 –
Follow the link to a giveaway page
Bonus entries:
Giveaway Details:
💲 $500 USD 💲
Winners :
Winner will be contacted by email shortly after the giveaway ends. Winner has to reply back within a specified period of time to claim the prize.
🌎International Giveaway ( WorldWide ) 🌎
💲 $500 USD 💲
Winners :
Winner will be contacted by email shortly after the giveaway ends. Winner has to reply back within a specified period of time to claim the prize.